Located in: San Diego, California 
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Copyright © 2007 by Jared Schwartz San Diego real estate broker Promotions Unlimited All rights reserved. | | Countdown to Moving Day Planning for a move means organizing, organizing and more organizing. If you plan well, the whole process can be much easier to handle. Take a look at the following guidelines and note right on these pages anything else you need to remember. Several Weeks in Advance - Arrange for copies of medical, dental and other professional records to be sent to your new location.
- Obtain copies of eyeglass and medical prescriptions.
- Register your children for school and arrange for transcripts to be forwarded to the new school.
- Use up any frozen foods - movers do not ship perishables.
- Open a bank account and establish credit at your new location.
- Start making travel plans. If you belong to a club or organization that provides travel advisory services, contact them soon.
- Make a list of those you want to notify of your change of address (magazine publishers, insurance companies, national credit card companies, brokers, attorneys, relatives and friends).
- Cancel/transfer memberships in religious, civic, social and fraternal organizations.
- Have your car checked for the trip.
- Ask your veterinarian about shipping pets and get record of inoculations.
Two Weeks Before Moving - Close all local charge accounts and destroy any credit cards you won't need in your new location.
- Close your bank accounts. Empty your safe deposit box and transfer contents to your new bank by registered mail.
- Notify utility companies of the date you want service discontinued or transferred to new owner and request refund of any deposits.
- Notify the post office of your move date and arrange for the first class mail to be forwarded. Send out change of address cards.
- Find out the requirements for driver's license and auto registration in your new location, if you are moving out of state.
- Go through the garage, basement and attic and dispose of those things you know you won't need in your new home.
- Discontinue home delivery of newspapers, milk, etc.
- Return library books and other borrowed articles. Retrieve any items you may have loaned out.
One Week Before Moving - Arrange to take valuables with you or send ahead by registered mail. Movers will not take valuables such as money, securities, stamp or coin collections and jewelry.
- Set aside toys and games children might want to have with them on the trip.
- Set aside items that you want to be given special handling by the mover.
- Prepare a list of those things you want to "load last," so you can get them first during unloading.
- Drain gasoline from your lawnmower and dispose of any flammable or combustible materials. The mover will not take materials such as gasoline, paint thinner, ammunition.
- Pick up articles of clothing at the cleaners.
The Day Before You Move - The packing crew usually arrives the day before the van is loaded. Be sure someone is on hand to supervise the packing.
- Pack any valuables you intend to take with you.
- Make sure fragile items receive special attention. Label cartons as to contents and where they go in the new home.
- Empty, defrost, and wash out the refrigerator and freezer.
- Gather keys to the house and arrange to leave them with the new owners of your home, your real estate agent, or a trusted neighbor.
- Notify police if your home will be unoccupied after you leave.
- Notify a close friend or relative of your itinerary in case of emergency.
The Day You Move From Your Home - Plan an early, simple breakfast.
- Check the mover's inventory to see that you agree with the mover's judgment on the condition of your household goods. Take photographs if there is a dispute.
- Make sure you get a copy of the inventory.
- Load those things you are taking on the trip, including luggage.
- Search every room before the van leaves.
- Check the bill of lading for completeness before you sign it. Retain a copy for your records.
- Find out the van driver's name and make certain he knows how to reach you at the destination.
- Turn off the water heater. Set your thermostat at 55 degrees.
The Day Before You Move Into Your New Home - Get there before the movers. There could be a waiting charge if you are late.
- Contact utility companies.
- Check appliances, furnace, and hot water heater, so you can contact a repairman immediately if something is not working.
- Check household goods carefully as they are unloaded for loss or damage. List all lost or damaged items on the inventory form.
- Since you will probably do some unpacking after the movers leave, make a note on the inventory "subject to inspection for concealed damage."
- Ask the mailman if he is holding any mail for your arrival.
After You Are Settled - Obtain necessary licenses: driver's, automobile, dog, etc.
- Contact newspapers, dairy, etc., for home deliveries.
- Register car at new address (there may be a penalty if you wait too long).
- Register to vote.
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