High Technology some of the nation's hottest and newest high-tech companies can be found in San Diego. there are more Ph.D.'s, more personal computers and more fiber optic cable laid in San Diego than in any other region of the United States. Manufacturers of electronics employ more than 23,000 people and the county's software and multimedia industries have grown 45 percent in the last five years. San Diego's growing high-tech industry can be divided into several categories: emerging technologies; software development; computer components and peripherals; multimedia; electronics; telecommunications; manufacturing; communications; and information technology. From high definition televisions, computer chips, peripherals and components to credit card fraud detection devices and radiation shielded microelectronics, San Diego's emerging technologies are leading edge and diverse. Software developed in San Diego is an essential element included in systems integration, data preparation and processing services, information retrieval, multimedia development and Internet applications. The relocation of U.S. Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) and an increase in military contract opportunities have helped the San Diego technology revolution as the Department of Defense seeks an increasing amount of partnerships with private-sector companies. Finally, San Diego's labor force is focused on technology and computer science. There is a depth of talent and experience in the region from which companies may recruit employees, many retrained From the aerospace industry. These engineers, systems analysts, programmers and database administrators understand the needs o~ companies with defense contracts as well as have the necessary skills to propel the research and development o~ broad-based high technology. The high-technology industry has given new life to San Diego and is a vital part of the county's rebirth. The region's leaders have created a rich, fertile ground for innovation and entrepreneurism where young, small and mid-sized enterprises are supported and encouraged. San Diego has become "technology's Perfect Climate." |