Low Rates And Low Housing Prices Make This The Time To Buy! Interest rates? Lower than low. Foreclosures? At an all time high. The recession? Will stay put for awhile…then make its way back up, as will the stock market. If you weren’t sure before, these are the facts, and NOW is the time to invest. Purchasing real estate now needs to be thought of as a long term investment, because in the long term, it’s going to make a lot of people very wealthy.
Now is the time to buy because you can get a good deal on a home as well as one on a mortgage. Mortgage lenders are dying to give away money. There are some lenders who are calling people that they dealt with years ago in order to try to get them to refinance. If no loans can be made, lenders go out of business. Many lending companies are already laying off employees and others have completely folded. Those lending companies still operating are offering attractive packages to potential customers. Some are even offering to pay closing costs so that they can get the loan.
As a buyer in the real estate market today, you have your pick when it comes to picking the best home as well as the best mortgage package. You can get a good deal on both if you take your time and shop around. Do not be frantic to get the first home that you see and jump into the first mortgage that comes along. Now more than ever, it pays to shop around.
You can use a real estate agent who will show you around or one who is listing the house. Take a look in the area that you like and look for homes on the market. Ask a real estate agent to pull up listings for you so that you can look around yourself. If you see something that you like that is in your price range, take a look at the home.
Do not allow the real estate agent to sway you when it comes to making an offer on the property. The real estate agent wants to make sure that you offer the most money possible. Make sure that you offer what you want and not get pressured into offering more than you think the seller will take.
Because rates are so low in conjunction with housing prices, this is the perfect time to buy real estate. Whether you are using it as a residence for yourself or a rental property, this is a great time to make this long term investment. Back to San Diego downtown real estate article index |