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California Real Estate Recovery 2012

by: Bob Schwartz, brokerforyou CA Lic.#00706331 San Diego California Real Estate Broker, Certified Residential Specialist

The National Association of Homebuilders just released a report listing US housing markets showing measurable and sustained improvement from their respective market troughs in housing permits, employment and house prices for at least six consecutive months. This latest report includes 73 metro areas that held their position on the list from last month as well as 11 new metro areas.

It’s speculated that the modest improvement in this improving market index indicates that individual housing market are regaining their footing despite some recent reports of weakening in the broader economy.

Now, for an inside take on this report, which I estimate the vast majority of news outlets won’t mention.

Think about it, or better yet do a search on Google for the national Association of homebuilders improving market index. I would bet the majority of the articles that you come across will only mention the fact that the index has improved and not go into detail by looking at the individual metro areas delineated in this report. It's somewhat sad that the majority of news, or what is called news, is just a republishing of press releases.

Where does one go to get a realistic view of the current national or local real estate trends? Usually, the national real estate industry outlets are always optimistic and in most cases overly so. Local real estate professional sites and blogs suffer from the same over optimism. Here's an interesting test you might want to try, find some local or national for that matter real estate blogs that have been around at least since 2005. Most blogs have a counter function on the right-hand side of the blog where you can go back to specific dates and see what blog post were published during that week month or year. The consensus opinion is that the California real estate market turned down by the summer of 2005. I would venture to guess, that one would be hard-pressed to find more than a dozen or so real estate agent professional blogs that raise any caution flag from the summer of 05 till January 06!

But, I digress, so, back to a look at the individual markets noted in the National Association of Homebuilders Improving Market Index, of the 84 metro areas listed, just one is in California!

That one area in California is Hanford CA. Hanford is located south of Fresno California and it is an important commercial and cultural center in the south central San Joaquin Valley and is the county seat of Kings County, California.

So, with just one California Metro area listed in the improving market index, which state do you think came in with the most improving metro listings? Did I hear anybody say Texas? Well if you did, you are correct! Texas metro areas are the most prominent on the current National Association of Homebuilders current list. Texas metro areas came in with 11 listings of the 84 on the entire list!

Oh, by the way, do you know that Texas has no state income tax? Do you think that less taxes may just have something to do with improving economic conditions? What effect do you think the new you California tax proposal, up for a vote this November, if passed, will have on the California housing market? 

Bob Schwartz, is a Certified Residential Specialist, San Diego real estate agent with w/over 30 years exp. Bob's other sites are: Downtown San Diego real estate & San Diego real estate agents. For legal assistance, visit Los Angeles defense attorneys

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